Assistant Professor of Public Administration, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies
Law and order is considered as the basis of administration, and its implementation as the criterion of evaluation. The prevalence of law and respect for it has been a touchstone in western countries even during the age of absolutism. Such orientation provided a favorable background for lawfulness in various realms in those regions. While in Iran because of the presence of dictatorial regimes, and ruling upon personal whims along with the lack of law and any respect for it, lawlessness prevailed. That in turn was translated into patterns of evading law in administration and ruling the country in general. This spirit set in the past which prevailed with full vigor during the Qajar period, even the constitutional revolution was not able to shake its foundation.
Tonkaboni, H. (2011). Law and Order in Social Sciences and Management and Their Relevance to Administration of Iran During Qajar Period.". Sociological Cultural Studies, 1(2), 35-66.
Tonkaboni, H. . "Law and Order in Social Sciences and Management and Their Relevance to Administration of Iran During Qajar Period."", Sociological Cultural Studies, 1, 2, 2011, 35-66.
Tonkaboni, H. (2011). 'Law and Order in Social Sciences and Management and Their Relevance to Administration of Iran During Qajar Period."', Sociological Cultural Studies, 1(2), pp. 35-66.
H. Tonkaboni, "Law and Order in Social Sciences and Management and Their Relevance to Administration of Iran During Qajar Period."," Sociological Cultural Studies, 1 2 (2011): 35-66,
Tonkaboni, H. Law and Order in Social Sciences and Management and Their Relevance to Administration of Iran During Qajar Period.". Sociological Cultural Studies, 2011; 1(2): 35-66.