Living in the borderlands: a phenomenological study of nowsudcityborderers

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Borders, as a background for human actions, affect the people's life in their proximity. Borders impose a certain kind of an experience in the economic, cultural, social and political aspects of residents' is under these situations that Impression of "The Border" for these people, begins to form, and the perception of "The Life of borderer" constitutes.The goal of this survey_ which take place in Hermeneutic phenomenological paradigm _is comprehending of Paveh people perceptions of living in a frontier's vicinity and their inter-subjective meaning of this phenomenon.The sample for this survey has been chosen by purposive sampling and came to theoretical saturation by the 33rd responder. The technique of data gathering was Unstructured in-depth interview And finally by using van mahnen's method for analyzing data, we extracted nine general themes about the lived-experience of Paveh people in borderline proximity and their sense-making of this experience. These themes are; "being in center of anxiety (because of anxious situations)", "confusing feeling", "unstableness and unexpectedness"," being far away from center of attention (oblivion feelings)", "positive aspects", "adjustment strategies", "effort to find affecting causes" and " being concern for future". Generally, finding of this research state that the experience of frontiersman living for sample group in this research derive from culture and language deferences that intense challenges,problems and trobels.the inters this elements into range of responders meanings put on the problems and troblesin another situation. The responders train to recognize the problems and there life problems and make new meaning and by this, make conection between themselves and others that finally discover the border of there ethnic identity.


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