The effects of socio-cultural and economic factors on negative attitudes towards marriage; a case study of Kashan citizens

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1 PhD student in social issues of Iran, Faculty of humanities, University of Kashan

2 Professor of social sciences, Faculty of social sciences, University of Kashan

3 Associate professor, department of geography and urban planning department of natural resources and earth sciences, University of Kashan


Attitude towards marriage is one of the key mechanisms for predicting actual behavior in marriage. It is influenced by multiple, social, cultural and economic factors. This study aimed to investigate the causes or the various factors that affect the attitude of young people towards marriage. Because of the multidimensional nature of human and social phenomena and the multiplicity of theories about different aspects of marriage, this research attempts to combine related theories in order to offer a better understanding and explanation of negative attitudes towards marriage and the causes of marriage age rising. The study was a social survey and data collected using questionnaires and interviews. The sample included the active population (65-15 years) of the city of Kashan in 2012. Using Cochran sampling formula, 620 participants were selected for the study. Results  showed that there were meaningful relationships between negative attitudes towards marriage on the one hand, and familial conditions, economic situation, high expectations, unemployment, high cost of marriage, moral deviations, improper media functions, and the fear of the future, on the other hand. Attenuation of religious beliefs (F =15.57) and high costs of marriage (F= 10.49) were the strongest predictors in the study.


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