"The Role of Peace Culture and Subjects vaiables (settings variables) on Domestic Violence among Tehran Students' Families at Rodehen Islamic Azad University"

Document Type : .


1 sociology of social groups, Tehran Markazi branch

2 Associate prorressor and faculty member of Islamic Azad uni. ,Roudehen branch

3 Asistante proffessor of Islamic Azad Uni. , Tehran Markaz branch


the aim of present research is to study the role of peace culture on amount of
family aggression among university students of Tehran  (Case Study: Tehranian Azad University Students of Roodhen). Method of  this research in
term of goal was developmental and practical study as well as in term of the path
was descriptive correlational study.The  Research population included all of the
 university students of Azad university of Rodehen among them about 400subjects
were selected by size stratified random sampling .To collect data, researcher –made questionnaire included demographical, peace culture and violent family aggression characteristics.that its quality by CVR coefficient for measuring validity with 0.737 average and reliability with 0.939 average approved. Collected data analyzed by SPSS and Lisrel software. Findings showed that peace culture constitade of four-factor construct as following: understanding  and healthy interaction of family, social support, ability to resolve conflicts and misunderstanding. Five factors were extracted from questionnaire: cultural violence, spiritual-psychological abuse, verbal aggression, economical violence and physical violence.Type of marriage, education of parents, job of parents had no significant effects. Effects of alcohol addiction of parents , job of father, ethnic of parents, duration of marriage,  and age of parents had significant effects on violence. There was a negative significant relation between peace culture and its components with family aggression.


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