Sociological Study of the effect of lifestyle on aggression and urban vandalism of youth and young adults in Lorestan province

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1 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Ayatullah Boroujerdi University

2 Professor, Department of Sociology, Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran

3 M.A graduated from department of social scinces, Sociology, university of Tabriz


The phenomenon of vandalism is one of the emerging factors affecting the growth of social problems and urban damages. This phenomenon means having a kind of sickening spirit, which indicates a tendency towards deliberate, voluntary and self-destructive destruction of property, facilities and general belongings. In the present study, a combination of sociological approaches to the relationship between lifestyle and aggression and vandalism has been studied. This study was conducted using a researcher-made questionnaire. The statistical population of this study 15- to 29-year-old males and females of three cities in Lorestan including Khorramabad, Boroujerd and Aznah. Among them, 714 people were selected using Cochran's formula by simple and cluster random sampling Multi-stage selection. The statistical methods used in this research are Pearson correlation test, regression analysis, independent variance analysis of F and T. The results of the research indicate that there is a positive and significant relationship between variables of lifestyle, cultural consumption, body management, being in abnormal situations with aggression and vandalism. Between feeding patterns and leisure activities with aggression and vandalism significant relationship was not observed. Based on the results of regression analysis, the most important factor affecting the incidence of aggressive and vendalist behaviors is variability in abnormal situations, with the highest beta (0.28), followed by cultural consumption (0.26), lifestyle (21) / 0) and body management (0.18) had the most effect on the dependent variable of aggression and vandalism. The results of path analysis showed that 26% of aggression and vandalism behaviors can be explained by sum of independent variables.


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