Investigating the Relation between Trust and Teacher's Cooperation in High Schools


1 B.A. in Medical Informatics at Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences

2  Associate Professor at Sari Islamic Azad University

3 Phd Student of Tehran Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch

4 Associate Professor at Sari Islamic Azad University


The purpose of this article is to study the relationship between the level of trust at school environment and the level of teacher's cooperation in high schools of Sari in educational year of 2006/2007.
The sample consists of all head masters and teachers of districts 1 and 2 of Sari high schools. The data collection tool is a questionnaire consisting of two parts measuring trust and cooperation.
The validity of the test was confirmed in the previous studies using this questionnaire. In addition to that, the questionnaire was given to some of the professors of educational sciences and psychology, and they also confirmed the validity of the questionnaire. The reliability coefficient of the questionnaire was calculated by Cronbach's alpha. For trust it was 0.869 and for cooperation it was 0.904. The SPSS software was used for data analysis, and the statistical descriptive and inferential methods were also used.
The hypotheses testing showed that, there is no significant relation between the level of trust and cooperation of the teachers with the head masters based on gender and also the years working background.