The Impact of Media on Young People's Feelings of Social Life


1 Assistant Professor of Social Sciences Department, Golestan University

2 Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Agriculture Science and Natural Resourses of Gorgan

3 M.A in Social research, Azad University of Rudehen

4 M.A in Social Research, University of Shahid Beheshti, Tehran


The present research project seeks to investigate the relationship between media use and the youths' feelings with regard to social life; media use (kind, amount, and content of media) and its relation with the youths' feelings regarding their surrounding world. The employed methodology was survey and the subjects included all the youngsters (aged 15 -29) living in Gorgan city, Golestan, Iran. The selected sample included some 400 people who had been chosen randomly. The measurement tool in this research was SLF scale, designed by Carl, F., Shoucler to measure feelings with regard to social life; a researcher made questionnaire was also employed to measure amount of media use and other variables.
The results of the study show that there is a negative relationship between kind of media use by the youths and their feelings; meaning that the higher modern media use priority, the more negative their feelings with regard to social life; it was also recognized that the political, historical, entertaining, sports,… contents of the media are different from the youths' feelings with regard to social life. The results also indicated that there is not any significant difference between the youngsters' media use and their feelings regarding social life.
