An Analysis of Mutual Effects of Cultural Identity and Social Changes

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Culture, due to its dynamic nature, is the origin of novel experiences which are gradually engraved on the collective memory of the individuals. Cultural transformation occurs in a way that emergence of any new mentality does not necessarily lead to disremembering the previous ones. This characteristic of culture forms a collection, which through the passage of time, from past to the future, keeps being enriched and gaining deeper roots. Among the outstanding characteristics of culture, we need to refer to its coordinating role through which a social being could be linked with the environment. In this sense, the environment is not limited to an individual’s surroundings, but expands to involve the relationships with other cultures. Thus, cultural adjacency, due to the existing interactions between cultures, is not tensioning for the societies, and does not result in cultural identity crises. Contrariwise, the one-sided influence of the foreign values, particularly as a result of expansion of media relations accompanied with time-space separation, can pave the way for cultural identity crises.
