The share of cultural-social policies in general policies of government as well as official documents and rules of Iran

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Some  of  the  indicators   of  development    of   a   country  are having a major program to run the country which is based on the beliefs of managers and policy makers, academic and universally accepted standards, the national  natural  resources  possibility , to achieve proper living conditions and minding  cultural and social issues  in  general. The rapid changes  in the field of social conditions and consequently changes in values, norms, life styles and social customs in macro-planning requires taking  into  account   all these changes and developments.
This study tries to define the share of social issues in the country's main programs and strategic policies while determining  its significance. Investigations have shown that the amount  of contribution of social and cultural issues in Iran's main policies  issues does not have necessary coordination with desired cultural and social transformations which    tries   to  define  social issues, while   paying   attention to   social welfare. Among    those    issues    that   need   to   have   taker    care   of   while   considering    social   -  cultural   issues  are  addressing the cultural needs of the present generation and responding to demands such as sports, music, art and other cultural   social     participation , s    social  capital  and  the   like.


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