Social Factors Relative to Fashion Victim Among Youth in City of Yazd

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Fashion today in human communities and among the people there are role of the media. This phenomenon in today's world and among some of people its tool of transfer the message. This paper study the factor related to fashion victim among youth of Yazd. This is survey research and population consisted of youth of Yazd, Which 400 individuals were selected through multi-stage cluster sampling. Data collection technique was a questionnaire that has suitable validity and reliability. The results showed that fashion victim was significantly related to mass media use, saving status, consumerism, the moral orientation of leisure, social comparison, social conformity. There is a significant difference between married and unmarried persons in fashion victim, too. The results of regression analysis showed that the adjusted coefficient of determination for all the independent variables was equal to 0.268, meaning that all these variables could explain approximately to 28 percent of the variation of the dependent variable (fashion victim). The greatest effect is consumerism on fashion victim.

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