Work and Time in the Charter of Poem and Work of Parvin

Document Type : .


Full Professor at Allameh Tabatabai University


Here poem is conceived as an instrument for discovering psychic realities of life. Regarding research background this article takes in to account the biography and statements of Iranian poets and authors about Parvin Etesami and the concept of work in her poems. Then it is followed by titles such as plurality of this concept and its compounds, essence in working, encouraging attempts and tolerance in working, condemning laziness, time management, types of working, wasteful working, functions of working, apprenticeship and work training, necessity of team working and professional working and also collaboration in the shape of helping others.  Finally the role of ant as sample of attempting in Pravin's poets is studied. Finally the paper concentrated on vulnerability of working culture and the greatness of her work; all as an encouragement for Iranian researchers to explore the thoughts of Parvin Etesami
