Attachment styles, general health, and marital satisfaction (Case study: female married staff of Tarbiat Modarres University)

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1 Master of personality psychology, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Tehran

2 PhD in educational psychology and assistant professor of Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies


The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between attachment styles and general health, on the one hand, and marital satisfaction, on the other hand, among the female married staff of Tarbiat Modares University.
    The scheme of the study was of a posteriori kind in which the sample group included 110 married women from the married female staff of Tarbiat Modares University selected randomly. The research was done by ENRICH marital scale questionnaires, adult attachment scale (RAAS) and General Health from Hiller and Goldberg. The raw data (information) collected by scoring the questionnaires which analyzed from descriptive and inferential statistics points of view by the statistical software SPSS. The results showed that those have the maximum attachment style of closeness and those have anxiety attachment style, have minimum marital satisfaction. There is also a telling correlation between the general health of the female staff and their marital satisfaction.


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