Modernism of Underdevelopment and Alienation of the Middle Class in Post-Revolutionary Iran

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Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, RobatKarim Branch, Islamic Azad University, RobatKarim, Iran


The new middle class as a progressive social class which efforts to move towards development, has important role in the political and social upheavals and political development, especially in political participation. We can see this active role in the development when this class has come to self-consciousness and pursues its demands through forums and groups and parties give them identity. When there is no self-consciousness we will see inactiveness in political participation or negative participation. This paper through examining the roles of three variables; the separation of objective and subjective culture; new middle class’ lack of independence; the absence of modernity, attempts to study the intensification or reduction of alienation in the social middle class of post-revolutionary Iran. Identifying the underlying causes of this alienation can be a step toward identifying the class itself which helps to meet its demands which of course is in line with modern development in Iranian community.


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