Media, a tool for Generations Classification in Iran

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Socio- economic situation in a given society along with other variables which effecting on identification of a generation caused a profound impact and such indicators can be applied for determine changes among generations and their actions in society. Studied on the field of generations can be dividing in to two main categories. Those studies that dealing with outlining the characteristics of a generation or generations and tries to interpretation the difference between generation in various social actions; and there are other group of surveys which dealing with study of intergenerational relationships and its different types and introduce different pattern of these relationships. Due to rate of changes in last decade in different aspects, especially development in media and Facilitate human interaction in one hand, and entrance of new generations in the field of social action on the other hand; there is a need for re-classification of generation in the country. The present article, with review of past models and with emphasis to different media of each generation and Taking into account the demographic changes; try to introduce a model for classification of different generation based on special generation objects and their socialization.


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