Find meaning and Religious Tourism:Ethnographic study

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1 PHD Socialogy, Shiraz University.Corresponding Author

2 Professor of Sociology, Shiraz University

3 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Shiraz University


Tourism links people of different faiths and cultures together. Pilgrimage encompasses an important part of activities related to the religious tourism. What makes tourist to follow the path, travel, suffer and welcoming the risk is internal tension. This study adopted a qualitative approach to describing how women Find meaning in religious tourism. The conceptual framework, tourists Cohen has been used; the ethnographic method was used for operations. Data collection techniques  was participant observation and semi-structured interviews and Practitioners elected by purposeful sampling and findings were analyzed through thematic analysis. Research community, tourism women were holy shrines in Shiraz Through in-depth interviews with 30 patients, data were collected. These findings suggest  that in addition to travel outside pilgrimage, can be a spiritual journey And resulted in personal interaction between the individual and the metaphysical and the physical proximity and heart connection in an atmosphere of religious emotion and be free from any accrued and routine  Which ultimately led to the search for the true meaning and the finding.Pilgrimage expresses the search for the existential cleric towards the supreme power. Pilgrimage thus helps the pilgrim to achieve inner perspective and go on a journey beyond time and space.Indeed, such a journey is an opportunity for women to separate from everyday life and to engage in deep exploration to find their own lost ones.


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