Representation of Women's Social Role in Iranian Cinema after the Revolution؛A Case Study of Two Films "A Cube of Sugar " and" The Salesman

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Social science research,studies of society and security,Institute for humanities and cultural studies,tehran,iran


The present research aims to find out how women's social role is represented in the media, with the emphasis on cinema; and the identification of hidden ideologies behind these representation. For this purpose, two movies, " The Salesman " and " A Cube of Sugar ", have been selected. The analysis of these two films has been carried out using and combining two methods of Narrative Analysis of Bart and Fisk's semiotics. The main question was how women are represented in these two selected films.
The findings suggest that, despite all the apparent differences between the two films, the representations presented about women in both films movie beside consolidate the patriarchal traditional system of Iranian society.


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