Measuring students feeling of social exclusion in Zanjan universities

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1 Master s degree student in Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

2 Associated professor in Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies


The present study is an attempt to understand the feeling of social exclusion in association with economic status, ethnicity, ethnic belonging and assessment of government policies. It is necessary to address the issues of youth in countries such as Iran, due to the fact that young people are at the center of developments and planning. Therefore, using a scrupulous method and using a questionnaire tool to measure variables, after reviewing the theoretical approaches of social exclusion and explaining the levels of social exclusion, the framework and theoretical model have been sampled among the students of the State and Azad universities. After selecting 325 students, the results were analyzed using descriptive statistics and homogeneity of variance analysis, FF test, correlation coefficient, t-test and pair comparison. The results showed a significant and direct relationship between the feeling of social exclusion and the sense of ethnic belonging, as well as the feeling of social exclusion and the assessment of government policies by respondents, in other words, students who felt more social exclusion, felt more ethnic belonging and They also had a negative perception of government policies


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