Critique of National Identity and Iranianism as Defined by Ḥabal Al-Matin of Calcutta Based on the Modernist Paradigm of Nationalism

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Assistant Professor of History and Faculty Member of the Institute of History and Culture of Iran, University of Tabriz


From the time of Nasser al-Din Shah onwards, we have witnessed the emergence of the discourse of nationalism and the definition of national identity based on the components of "perennialism" in Iran. One hundred years of experience show that such a definition of national identity has been detrimental to the realization of national unity and the protection of the rights of Iranians. On the other hand, today there is no single definition of national identity among thinkers and elites and serious discussions are underway in this regard. At the same time, the preservation of Iran requires a nationalism based on the sovereignty of the nation, the satisfaction and security of the rights and interests of all members of the nation. Accordingly, it is necessary to re-read and critique the definition of national identity based on the components of "perennialism". In the meantime, despite the fact that Habal al-Matin has promoted the relationship between the state and the nation in the modern sense, it defines national identity based on the components of "perennialism". The question of the present article is that according to the "modernist paradigm of nationalism", what is the critique of the national identity defined by this publication? Findings show that the definition of Iranian identity and national identity is based on the ethnic-cultural definition of the nation and has no relation with the modern nation.


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