Understanding the emotional structure of Iranian society through the lens of cyberspace: towards presenting a theory

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1 Professor, Faculty Member and Chair of the Department of Cultural Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Allameh Tabatabai University

2 PhD in Cultural Sociology, Allameh Tabatabai University


Cyberspace has been create new dynamics and emotional order in the text of everyday life. In order to investigate the effects of social networks on the emotional structure of Iranians, the data obtained from virtual ethnography were thematically analyzed. According to the findings, residual patterns include mythical patterns (golden past and giving charisma to leaders), family related patterns (love and jealousy), and patterns of challenge with power (originality, justice, and humor). We are also witnessing the spread of dominant patterns such as public hope, the dominance of more dominant language codes, the direct and indirect interventions of formal discourse in space. Emerging patterns also take the form of individual forms (self realization), collective forms (expansion of civil society and intellectual currents), as well as an amalgam of positive and negative emotions such as traumatization, anger from failure, absolute anger, aggregation of boredom levels, generalization of individual anxiety, and various forms of compassion. Finally, some features were added to Williams' emotional structure include the generalization of the personal  issue, the everydayization and Coming to the surface of residual patterns, individual / collective, localization / globalization, power / resistance, the dialectical relationship with macro structures, pragmatism / passivity and the synergy within and among the three patterns.


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