About the philosophical-historical phenomena of the university in Iran

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1 Doctor of Philosophy of Education / University of Tehran

2 Student of Philosophy of Education/Kharazmi University


Authors try to analyze the historical phenomena of the university.During this, analyze the historical phenomenon of the university and its relationship with freedom, transcendence and the idea of progress. In this way, we give a Possibility to the phenomenon that has been neglected or hidden from the university. In this way, it is emphasized, the emergence of dualistic thinking seems to distance the university from care (which is an essential element of human being).Taking care of things and pushing oneself towards openness with regard to resoluteness can make the hidden possibility of the university possible through phenomenological deconstruction This possibility requires the reconstruction of academic tradition, while understanding what has happened from the university, we can go towards the university that comes to us.

After examining the relationship between these three elements (freedom, the idea of progress and transcendence) with the historical phenomena of the university, we conclude that Kantian, Hobbesian and existentialist freedom has been allowed in the university, the concept of transcendence in its hierarchical form has also beenappeared. And also the idea of progress has affected the academic tradition.we conclude that the university should be open to these concepts so that other possibilities based on life emerge.
