Investigating the influence of the teachings of the Safavid Tariqa on Hosseini's Ta'zieh rites in Ardabil Emphasizing the need to preserve the historical order of Ta’zieh

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1 Professor of Sociology, Department of Social Science, Faculty of Law & Social Science, University of Tbriz, Tabriz, Iran.

2 Ph.D. Candidate of Sociology, Department of Social Science, Faculty of Law & Social Science, University of Tbriz, Tabriz, Iran.



The main purpose of the research is to investigate the influence of the teachings of the Safavid method (thoughts of Sheikh Safidin Abu Ishaq Ardabili) in Hosseini's restoration of the legacy of the Safavid era. In this research, by examining the two main manifestations of Ardebil Ta'ziyya ritual, "Tashtghozari" and "shamgardani" and the manner of concluding the ceremony, the two categories of "method" and "Sharia" which are the main idea of ​​Sheikh Safi al-Din Ardabili. Be that as it may, it is clearly highlighted in the memorial ceremony of the Safavid era. In the study of how the teachings of the Safavid method appeared in Ta'ziyya, using the theories of "Geertz" and "Merton", the issue of preserving the historical order of Ta'ziyya is discussed in order to prevent the emergence of "ritualism". The research method is documentary and library.The results of the research show that in addition to the role of religious elites in preserving and publishing the main content of Ashura Hosseini's discourse, maintaining the historical order of Ta'zih itself can lead to the preservation of the main religious teachings and the reproduction of the central sign of that discourse, and any creative non-historical change in the appearance of rituals can It brought irreparable cognitive consequences in religious matters.
Every religious event in the society has reflections that crystallize in different dimensions. Rituals, as the external manifestation of religious events, sometimes change over time and sometimes become colorful. Dealing with mourning rituals, which is an important and even main aspect of a religious event; It can provide information on the interaction of the main actors and its influence on social and political currents. A set of ancient and traditional rituals, which often have historical, cultural and religious roots, have emerged according to the requirements of the time and the basic spiritual needs of human beings, and they carry important epistemological and cognitive meanings that the durability and survival of those rituals in the history of human life for decades The long ones confirm that they are functional.
In addition to primary rituals, there are secondary rituals which were not part of the main rituals of religion at first, but they were formed according to certain socio-historical conditions, they have expanded in the historical life of believers and sometimes they have more priority and importance in the system of rituals. They have found religion. This finding of priority is due to the role and function they have for religious people; Therefore, understanding the position of secondary rituals, its position in the ritual system of religion and why this position and its consequences are of particular importance. Muharram mourning ceremony is the most important example of these rituals. Within this system, there is a certain hierarchy between different rituals, which is affected by two factors: first, the situation and relationship between the primary rituals and secondary rituals, and second, the social, cultural, livelihood and political conditions of believers. Based on this, understanding this hierarchy and the place of a ritual in this system and the religious discourse about it is very important in understanding and understanding the religion and religiosity of believers in their specific historical and social context.
Nowadays, due to various political and social factors, the forms of ancient and historical rituals undergo changes that can prevent those rituals from reproducing the original teachings. A case study of Ta’zieh rituals of the Safavid heritage shows that these rituals have preserved the concept of "combination of the two categories of Safavid method and sharia" and in it, only the external aspects of the rituals have not been emphasized and strengthened. Because stopping in the tangible matter will take the opportunity to pay attention to human values ​​and basic knowledge; In other words, the simultaneous presence of the concept of "face" along with the concept of "meaning" in Hosseini's Ta’zieh rites is obvious as a legacy of the Safavid era.In fact, the purpose of this research is to show the importance of the point that "maintaining the meaning in rituals" is what it means in the concept of moral development and personal virtues (including asceticism, piety, sincerity, etc.) which is synonymous with the concept of "method". Shaykh Safi-al-Din, whether in its social meaning (including honor, feeding and benevolence, arresting people, confronting oppression and having dignity in front of the powerful and rulers, etc.) Al-Din Ardabili is in this research.
The main purpose of the research is to investigate the influence of the teachings of the Safavid method (thoughts of Sheikh Safidin Abu Ishaq Ardabili) in Hosseini's restoration of the legacy of the Safavid era. In this research, by examining the two main manifestations of Ardebil Ta’zieh ritual, "Tashtghozari" and "shamgardani" and the manner of concluding the ceremony, the two categories of "method" and "Sharia" which are the main idea of ​​Sheikh Safi al-Din Ardabili. In the study of how the teachings of the Safavid method appeared in Ta’zieh, using the theories of "Geertz" and "Merton", the issue of preserving the historical order of Ta’zieh is discussed in order to prevent the emergence of "ritualism".
Materials and Method
The upcoming research is a qualitative method. The method of collecting information in a documentary-library form is to study theoretical foundations and provide a sociological analysis of how the epistemological foundations and teachings of Sheikh Safiuddin Ardabili have an effect on Hosseini's Ta’zieh rites in Ardabil city. The method of data interpretation in this study is based on the analysis of historical documents and also the case content analysis (in accordance with the research topic) of the sample of the conducted interviews.
Accompanying the two categories of "method" and "Sharia" in the meaning of the school of Sheikh Safi-al-Din Ardabili (which was discussed), is presenting a face of religion which is dedicated to the people and a customary matter, the people. It is autocratic and far from self-centered and centrist power-seeking. In the philosophy of tashtashvi, Sayyid al-Shaheda (pbuh) giving water to the opposing army as an enemy is exactly the peak of the pivotal point of Karbala dialogue; When the custom of politeness and tolerance is established, even in front of the "enemy". Such rituals with such meanings and associations promote social tolerance, and "potting" is a symbolic aspect of this meaning, and in fact, it is a concept that challenges the centralism and ideological narrative of religion, the same meaning that "Bakhtin" saw the concept of "carnivalization" in the essence of some mirror performances.In the carnival situation, we witness a kind of equality and freedom. During rituals such as "Fatihah reading" at the foot of the pots and asking for help for those present, the "other" is honored or when in the text of the prayer, those who continue the path of oppression until the Day of Judgment are declared innocent. In fact, a reading of the religion is shown, whose Sharia is tolerant and free from the enemy with a dialogical approach; "Do not seek harm and do whatever you want/there is no sin in our Sharia except this" (Hafiz Shirazi) and this shows that influential mystics such as Maulana Sheikh Safi al-Din Ardabili and Hafez, peace be upon him, etc., are mystics. They have been Shariat-oriented.
The results of the research show that in addition to the role of religious elites in preserving and publishing the main content of Ashura Hosseini's discourse, maintaining the historical order of Ta’zieh itself can lead to the preservation of the main religious teachings and the reproduction of the central sign of that discourse, and any creative non-historical change in the appearance of rituals can It brought irreparable cognitive consequences in religious matte


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