Identifying and explaining the components of evaluating the quality of educational services in universities

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1 Ph.D. student of Higher Education Management, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Professor of Cultural Planning and Management Department, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran



Quality in higher education is not about reaching a static point but rather a dynamic movement and flow. The current research aims to investigate and explain the effective components in evaluating the quality of education in universities. The research method is applied in nature and descriptive-survey in methodology. The data collection tool for the qualitative part was content analysis using Atlas.ti software, extraction of indicators, and the Delphi method. The statistical population for the Delphi part included 18 faculty members selected through a non-probability (snowball) and theoretical saturation method, and for the quantitative part, 92 faculty members and 357 students from the Islamic Azad University were selected using simple random sampling and Morgan’s table. Data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistics and SPSS 26 software were used in data analysis. Organizational structure, faculty, students, educational courses, teaching-learning strategies, and equipment and facilities comprised 71 indicators and 29 criteria, among which faculty members had the highest priority. The results indicated a relatively desirable quality of education at the Islamic Azad University, with only a small gap remaining to reach an optimal state. 
Keywords: Evaluation, Quality, Educational Quality, Islamic Azad University, Delphi Method.
Introduction: The main goal is to identify and explain the components for evaluating the quality of educational services at the Islamic Azad University and to offer suggestions for improving the quality of educational services at the university and educational institution level. The following questions were raised based on this objective:

What are the factors, criteria, and indicators for evaluating the quality of educational services?
What is the current state of the quality of educational services at the Islamic Azad University based on the determined factors, criteria, and indicators, and what suggestions can be made to improve the quality of educational services at the university?

Materials and Methods: The current research method is applied in terms of purpose and mixed with an exploratory approach in terms of research method. The research method was qualitative and quantitative, where initially, for the implementation of the quality evaluation of educational services at the university, all data, information, theoretical foundations, regulations, instructions, and executive circulars of the Islamic Azad University regarding educational and research activities, as well as the research background in Iran and other countries, were collected and reviewed using the library study method. Subsequently, the components were presented to experts and faculty members using the Delphi method, and after two rounds of the Delphi stage, questionnaires were developed and made available to faculty members and students to depict the current situation. After data collection and analysis, findings were obtained, and then a comparison was made between the current and desired states of the university’s educational activities, and necessary suggestions were provided for improving the quality of education at the university to achieve the requirements for judging the desired state.
In the qualitative section, 18 members of the academic staff from both public and private universities in Tehran (experts specialized in higher education) were selected using a non-probabilistic snowball sampling method. Data collection tools (indicators) included document review and theoretical frameworks through content analysis and the use of Atlas.ti software. After extracting indicators, some were merged (open and axial coding) and validated through the Delphi method.
 To maintain and ensure this section’s reliability, two rounds of the Delphi method and the Kappa coefficient were used. A Kappa coefficient of 0.743 percent was obtained by comparing the responses of two experts in the Delphi section, indicating a good level of credibility.
For the quantitative section, according to Morgan’s table, 92 full-time faculty members employed at Islamic Azad University with contractual, probationary, and permanent employment statuses, and 357 students from Islamic Azad University were selected using simple random sampling based on Cochran’s method. A researcher-developed questionnaire was used for data collection. The questionnaires’ validity was ensured through theoretical saturation by higher education expert professors, and reliability was estimated using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient (faculty members’ questionnaire 0.93 percent and students’ questionnaire 0.82 percent).
Discussion and Results: The results indicated that accountability, defined goals and missions, teaching patterns and methods of the academic staff, services and facilities provided to instructors and students, the teaching-learning process, organizational structure, regulations and rules, budget, and equipment are important components in assessing the quality of university services at Islamic Azad University. Based on the findings, the current quality of education at Islamic Azad University is close to desirable, with only a small gap remaining to reach the optimal state.
Conclusion: Regarding question (1): In the first phase, factors, criteria, and indicators were extracted through library studies and note-taking methods, followed by expert opinions gathered via a questionnaire in two rounds using the Delphi technique. Ultimately, in the second Delphi iteration, 71 indicators were identified under 29 criteria and 6 factors. Question (2): Considering the necessity of evaluating the quality of educational services at Islamic Azad University, the results based on the determined factors, criteria, and indicators show that the current state in the faculties is relatively satisfactory in 3 factors (organizational structure factors (organization and management), faculty, and students) and satisfactory in 3 factors (educational courses, curricula, teaching-learning strategies, and educational and research facilities and equipment). The most important issue in identifying and explaining the components of educational service quality evaluation at the university is to examine the current situation, articulate issues and problems, and identify strengths in addressing existing deficiencies and enhancing strengths. Given the results obtained, the evaluated factors differ from the desired state and the mission and objectives of the university, which has been more significant in some criteria. Therefore, educational groups should aim to improve quality and achieve a desirable and ideal future in line with the set goals and missions, with the assistance and cooperation of all university members, to ultimately enhance the quality of educational services at the university and reduce the gap between the current and desired states


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