Representation of Political and Social Thoughts in Artworks During Fath-Ali Shah' Reign

Document Type : .


1 Professor of Sociology, Institute of Human Sciences and Cultural Studies

2 Master of art



In analytical historiographical researches, works of art have become a tool for understanding the state of society, the prevailing political and economic environment, as well as understanding the urban and public environment of different historical periods, not only in Iran but all over the world. The information that artworks produced in certain periods of history can provide to historians, sociologists, and even political researchers and researchers of folk culture is not hidden from any researcher. Afsaneh Najmabadi mentions that sometimes the value of these works is even higher than written texts. In this article, an attempt has been made to examine the influence of political factors and social and cultural beliefs on the art of this period, especially its paintings, with a close look at the artworks of the period of one of the important kings of the Qajar dynasty, FathAli Shah. The purpose of this research, which is descriptive and analytical, and was carried out by library and museum works, is to find the factors affecting the art of this historical period. it can be said that art, especially court monographs, played an important role in the survival and legitimacy of the government during the period of FathAli Shah.


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