Dialectical construction of the teacher subject in official spaces (Case of study: male teachers of Khokhbijar city)

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1 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran

3 Master of Sociology at University of Guilan



This article examines the construction of teacher identity within social spaces through a Foucaultian analytics. It investigates how modern institutions, particularly schools and offices, shape teacher identity by exerting control and creating ideal, obedient subjects. While Foucault posits the possibility of resistance to this process, the dynamics of power and resistance in contemporary society have significantly evolved. The study focuses on male teachers in Khoshkebijar. Employing participatory observation and in-depth interviews, data was collected using maximum variation sampling and analyzed until theoretical saturation. Findings reveal that despite the diversity of the teaching community and the complexities of the Iranian educational system, schools exercise power over teachers through mechanisms akin to Foucault's disciplinary society. These include spatial confinement, individualization, hierarchical organization, strict timetables, and surveillance. The research concludes that the interplay between social spaces and individuals, shapes identity, emphasizing the formative role of modern institutions in constructing the contemporary self.


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