The factor of agency in Asef Bayat´s analysis of the subaltern protest in the Middle East

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1 MA in Political Science, Department of Economics and Political Science, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 Scientific Research and Middle East Strategic Studies Center



This research employs a critical approach and problematization method to examine the concept of political agency in Asef Bayat's problematic, particularly in the context of recent Middle Eastern developments. The primary objective is to elucidate the role of agency in explaining the protests and uprisings of marginalized groups, as conceptualized by Bayat. Focusing on Bayat's post-Arab Spring writings, this research seeks to determine whether his conceptualization of political agency, including concepts such as 'refolution,' 'non-movements,' and 'slow drift,' adequately captures the complexities of contemporary social and political dynamics. By comparing Bayat's ideas with other theoretical perspectives, this research aims to provide a more comprehensive evaluation of his thought. By critically examining Bayat's theories and comparing them to other approaches, this research aims to refine and expand existing frameworks for analyzing political agency in societies under transition.


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