Identifying the characteristics, challenges and solutions of religiosity in Today's society among young people from the perspective of students

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1 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran

2 BA student in education of exceptional children, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Farhangian University, Sanandaj, Iran



The aim of the current research was to identify the characteristics, challenges and solutions of religiosity in Today's society among young people from the perspective of students.. According to the purpose of the research, critical paradigm, qualitative approach and normative research method were used. The field of research included 26 female and male students of the four semesters of elementary education groups of Farhangian University of Kurdistan province, in the academic year of 1402-1403. The findings of the research were presented in three parts: 1. The characteristics of religiosity in the individual and social context, 2. The challenges of religiosity in the social, educational conditions and mental context, and 3. Solutions to overcome the challenges. The results showed that the challenges in the path of religiosity are multidimensional; Therefore, to find the roots of these challenges, it is necessary to pay attention to both the intrapersonal and extrapersonal areas of people. In this direction, the analysis of solutions showed that instead of emphasizing on religious education, it is necessary to emphasize on social, educational and intellectual development.


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