Sociological analysis of Subordinates studies in Iran

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1 PhD student in Political Sociology, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Science and Technology, Institute of Cultural, Social and Civilization Studies, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.



The inferior is marginalized and unable to exercise power in the society,not an economic poverty. The downtrodden of the modern age is not limited to one class, but also includes minorities, marginalized social groups, critics, women, etc.Goal of the research is to review and analyze the content of Subordinates studies and the new formulation of the set of basic concepts related to this field.In the period (2009-2024), through the collection of data with documentary and library methods in the form of books, articles, treatises and the research projects related to the research topic, by screening and refining the data, among 103 cases, finally 84 documents have entered the analysis stage. 2023, in the study area of sociology (33.3%), with (59.5%) qualitative research method and (80%) purposeful sampling method, has been done.Inferiority in Iran is a multi-dimensional problem in social, political, economic and cultural structures, which is caused by a set of factors and challenges such as differences, restrictions and social pressures, gender inequality, repressive policies, discrimination and Unequal laws, poverty and income inequality, traditional and religious cultural attitudes, domestic and social violence, lack of hope for the future, lack of access to education and suitable job opportunities etc are tied.


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