Consequences of poverty from a sociological perspective with an emphasis on Nahj al-Balagha

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1 Doctoral student of Nahj al-Balagheh Science and Education, Payam Noor University, South Tehran

2 Member of the Faculty of Sociology Department of Hozeh Research Institute and University of Qom-Iran

3 Member of the Faculty of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Payam Noor University, Tehran



Poverty often revolves around socio-economic issues and is of great importance in academic studies. Poverty has a long history and has been addressed by thinkers from different perspectives. The most important aspect of them is the social one, and its consequences effect individuals and groups. Therefore, poverty remains as a socio-economic problem that affects societies. The importance of paying attention to the issue of poverty and its effects makes the necessity of the present research clear. The method of the preset research is textual content analysis, and its aim is to sociologically investigate poverty and the personal and social harms caused by it, based on the way of life and thoughts of the Commander of the faithfuls Ali(p.u.h.) according to Nahj ul-Balagha. The findings of this research are concluded in the consequences of poverty in different personal, social, economical and political aspects which have been explained from a psychological and sociological point of view.


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