Phenomenology of "Time-Life" in Ardabil Urban Society

Document Type : .


1 PhD. Geography and Urban Planning, Planning and Environmental Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

2 Faculty of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Planning and Environmental Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran



The city has a meaningful and livable reality. Time for today's human-in-city does not have a similar and linear meaning, as it was achieved in modernity. This carrying of different meanings by citizens certainly has different effects in their everyday life in an internal correlation. The aim of the current research is the phenomenology of the everyday life of Ardabil citizens in accordance with their understanding of time. In this research, the trialectic schema of space production is used for the phenomenology of Ardabil urban society. It should be mentioned that the tri-term (future in the past as life in vertical proportion, future in linear routine as life in horizontal proportion, and rhythmic life as future in the present) illuminates the urban society of Ardabil. This everyday life of citizens in accordance with the internalized time allows the realization and emergence of life-worlds that make today's urban society a plurality in a meaningful unity.


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