Social elements and motivations in entering of Tollab to Howzeh-ye Elmieh

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Howzeh-ye Elmieh is one of the most important religious institutions in Iran in which people enter to be Talabe. To be Talabe is one of the important options and paths which some people, aware of its vast consequences, select in their life. Which social factors underlay such a decision, and which motivations persuade them to enter to the new world of being a Talabe? This study, by a qualitative approach and method of grounded theory, seek to answer these questions. For this purpose, 54 of Tollab in Howzeh Elmieh of Qom were deep interviewed. Findings show that two kinds of internal and external elements are effective on persons who decide to be Talabe. Internal elements refer to the image which they have of Roohaniat as a social reference group, and spiritual social contexts and networks in which they live. External elements include living in the atmosphere of those networks, and also effective religious people. It can be said that four kinds of motivations, included of scientific, spiritual, social and instrumental ones, motive a person to decide finally to be a Talabe. These results are presented in a causal/process-based model. 


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