Sociological re-reading of subjectivism and Closedness to The Sacred in the theology of Abdolkarim Soroush

Document Type : .


1 kashan

2 North Tehran Branch; Islamic Azad University

3 kasham



Religion and bio-religion has always been one of the fundamental areas in human culture and civilization. In the contemporary period, with the advent of new rationality and the expansion of metaphysical subjectivism, the question of the possibility or impossibility of religious and spiritual life in the present world has become a fundamental question. According to the subjectivist view, human understanding as the subject and the cognitive agent and the perception of existence as the object or object of recognition reaches its peak. According to metaphysical subjectivism and the new Cartesian-Kantian subjectivism, man cannot attain a truth beyond his own consciousness. we have no way beyond consciousness and subjectivity and no opening to the name or essence of this world. the subjectivist view has led to the denial of the possibility of revelation, or of speaking to the soul of this world, and of the possibility of man's invocation of the sacred, and has paved the way for the domination and expansion of secularism and nihilism. According to the theoretical and philosophical foundations of Abdolkarim Soroush, in his project, religious matter, in the sense of opening to the field of Quds and appealing toThe Sacred is not possible philosophically and ontologically
