A Survey and Comparison of the Level of Cultural Consumption in Metropolises, Cities and Villages

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Today, with the turn of the social analysis from producing activity to the consumption activity, the foundation of social differences has been changed by the concept of life style. Paying attention to the style of cultural commodity consumption in our country can efficiently illustrate the differences and the similarities of various social strata. The accelerating growth of urbanity in Iran in recent decades, emersion and development of new media and the expansion of transportation networks, have transformed the interactions of cities and villages. In this regard, in the present study, we focus on the condition of the cultural activity and the consumption of the cultural commodities in cities, metropolises, and villages in accordance with the statistical data of one of the national plans. The findings of this research show that there is a significant difference regarding the consumption level of all examined cultural goods, in cities, villages and metropolises. In addition, the regression analysis of the research model of the consumption level  of cultural commodities displays that the relative share of the residence variable to predict the changes of consumption level is much less in comparison to the  economic capital and specially the cultural capital.


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