صورت‌بندی نگرش‌منسیوس(Mencius ) در اخلاق‌سیاسی کارگزارانه

نوع مقاله : علمی-پژوهشی


استادیار، گروه علوم سیاسی، پژوهشکده علوم اجتماعی، پژوهشگاه «حوزه» و «دانشگاه»، قم، ایران



اخلاق‌کارگزاری و حکمرانی مهم‌ترین‌بخش از فلسفه‌سیاسی منسیوس است که مبتنی بر مبانی معرفت‌شناختی، هستی‌شناختی و انسان‌شناختی اوست. مقاله با بهره‌گیری از الگوی اسپریگنز و نظریه‌بحران وی  بر راه‌حل‌های منسیوس در پاسخ به چیستی و چرایی بحران تمرکز دارد. منسیوس قدرت‌طلبی و جنگ‌طلبی حاکمان از یک‌سو و تعالیم‌نادرست برخی آموزگاران و فلسفه‌دانان را منشا و علت‌بحران می‌داند. منسیوس به پیوستگی فرد، خانواده و حکومت معتقد است و رابطه‌ای منطقی میان درستکاری کارگزار/دولت و درستکاری ملت و اقتدار حاکمیت می‌شناسد. وی پذیرش و مقبولیت‌مردم را شرط‌اساسی حاکم شمرده و بر آن‌است که حکم‌آسمان در اراده‌مردم متجلی است. از نظر‌او فراگیری نیک‌خواهی همان بسط‌عدالت است؛ نیک‌خواهی متضمن تهذیب‌نفس و عشق به‌دیگران است؛ جنگ به‌قصد کشور‌گشایی امری نامعقول است؛ میان حکومت‌کنندگان و حکومت‌شوندگان تمایز‌طبقاتی نباید وجود داشته‌باشد و رفاه‌مردم وظیفه قطعی حکومت است. منسیوس حق‌طغیان و انقلاب را برای مردم در‌نظر می‌گیرد و روند‌خطی میان کسب‌فضیلت و کسب‌ثروت قایل است. او برای اداره‌کشور توسط‌حاکم به جز حکمت و فلسفه که برای حاکم قایل‌است چندین قانون و وظیفه را برای کارگزار/دولت لحاظ می‌کند. از دیدگاه وی ثبات‌سیاسی مهم‌ترین خصیصه دولت‌کارآمد است و دانش و آگاهی، استخدام کارگزاران‌شایسته، وجود اهداف دراز‌مدت برای فعالیت‌های‌سیاسی، اولویت‌بندی در حل‌مشکلات و اقدام‌سیاسی معطوف‌به سود‌همگانی حکومت خوب را بر می‌سازد.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Formulation of Mencius's attitude in agentic political ethics

نویسنده [English]

  • ali aqajani
Assistant Professor of the Department of Political Science of the Research Institute and University
چکیده [English]

The ethics of agency and governance is the most important part of Mencius' political philosophy, which is based on his epistemological, ontological and anthropological foundations. Using Spriggans' model and his crisis theory, the article focuses on Mencius' solutions in response to what and why the crisis is. Mencius considers the power-seeking and belligerence of the rulers on the one hand and the wrong teachings of some teachers and philosophers as the origin and cause of the crisis. He considered acceptance and acceptability of the people as the basic condition of the ruler and he believes that the decree of heaven is manifested in the will of the people. In his opinion, learning benevolence is the extension of justice; Benevolence involves refining oneself and loving others; War for the purpose of opening the country is unreasonable; There should be no class distinction between the rulers and the ruled, and the welfare of the people is the definite duty of the government. Mencius considers the right of rebellion and revolution for the people, and there is a linear process between the acquisition of virtue and the acquisition of wealth. From his point of view, political stability is the most important characteristic of an efficient government, and knowledge and awareness, employment of competent agents, the existence of long-term goals for political activities, prioritization in solving problems and political action aimed at public benefit make good governance.
Mencius, agency ethics, public welfare, justice, meritocracy, efficient government and good governance, Spriggan's crisis theory
Chinese philosophy is the source of philosophical approaches, especially in the field of politics. Mencius or Mèng Zǐ is one of the greatest and most effective political philosophers of China and the most prominent and powerful exponent of the Confucian school, whose ethics of governance and political agency are his most important and fundamental mental and practical concerns. Government and politics is the most important subject discussed by Mencius and making it moral is his most important goal. The basis, what and how to rule the agency ethical policy in Mencius' view and the mechanisms of its implementation are the focus of this article. Based on this, the hypothesis of the article is in response to the question of how and on what basis the agentive political ethics is formulated in the political philosophy of Mencius; Adhering to the method of Spriggans, Mencius's epistemological, ontological, and anthropological foundations have been considered as a continuous and consistent chain of his agentic recommendations about the solutions of decent governance. Recommendations about political and social justice, human relations, decency and correctness, development and improvement of production and people's well-being, reducing people's sufferings and paying attention to vulnerable groups, political participation and the right to revolution, meritocracy, facilitating and honoring tourists and farmers, behavior Kindly with the mass of people and... which formulates and articulates his agentive political ethics.
Materials & Methods:
The theoretical framework chosen for this article is inspired by Spriggan's crisis model with intrusions. His effort is to reveal the various stages of bringing the theorist to the conclusion and theory, and the final product of his theoretical effort. In Spriggan's method, thoughtful political thought goes through four stages, which are: diagnosis of crisis and observation of disorder. Many thinkers wrote their works when they seriously thought and felt that the society was in crisis. Therefore, the first issue is to identify the problem of the society. which is sometimes easy and sometimes difficult. Analysis of the causes of the crisis; An intelligent thinker does not rest after identifying a problem, but seeks to analyze and analyze the problem and find the foundation of the problem. Presenting solution; After these, the theorist will probably provide scientific proposals. This article focuses more on the third stage of Spriggans. Of course, the fourth stage is somehow integrated and dissolved in it.
Discussion & Result:
Mencius is a political philosopher in the Confucian tradition who, paying attention to the crises of the time and the existing situation of his society, has developed and developed a network of ethical and political concepts in order to improve and improve the functioning of the government and governance. He is a hardworking and precise person in explaining his intellectual paradigm and the structure of political ethics and agency ethics. In the framework of Spriggan's crisis theory, according to Mencius, the power-seeking and belligerence of the rulers on the one hand and the false teachings of some teachers and philosophers are the origin and cause of the crisis. Therefore, efforts are made to correct these two problems and provide theoretical and practical solutions.
         In the view of Mencius, government consists of defining relationships, structures, duties, and modifying   rules and titles based on human-heavenly ethics, which itself indicates justice, decency, and correctness. He considers the origin of government and government to be based on human relations. He does not have a pessimistic view of politics because he believes in the good nature of man. According to Mencius, politics has a heavenly origin, and heaven sees things as humans do. Refinement of self, respect of worthy people. Feeling affection towards relatives, respecting ministers, behaving kindly and considerately towards officials, treating the mass of people like children, encouraging all classes of artisans. The attitude of condescending to distant people and compassionately nurturing princes is not the law of Mencius. Mencius has paid more attention to details and empirical issues in the statistics and explanation of the characteristics of the ruler and good government. Therefore, it is more involved in functional issues. Based on this, he mentions the coordinates of efficient government. In this regard, he introduced ethics as the basis of a powerful and efficient government and considers acting ethically as its first duty. Correcting the names and titles, so that everyone can perform their duties correctly and truthfully. No lowly person should sit in the position of the elders, and no noble and virtuous man should be placed in a low rank. Deprivation of the people and development of production through increased production, light taxation, and equality in ownership is another coordinate of good government. Feeling pity for the lower classes and making them happy is also one of the things that Mencius counts.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Mencius
  • agency ethics
  • public welfare
  • justice
  • meritocracy
  • efficient government and good governance
  • Spriggan's crisis theory
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