تخیل به مثابه زبان مشترک علوم انسانی

نوع مقاله : علمی-پژوهشی


دانشیار پژوهشکده مطالعات سیاسی و بین الملل ، پژوهشگاه علوم انسانی و مطالعات فرهنگی، تهران ، ایران



مفهوم تخیل مثل یک منشور دارای جنبه های علمی و عملی است و از طرف دیگر رشد، پیشرفت و تکامل انسان و جامعه را نشان می دهد.تخیل عبارت از هویت، شخصیت و فردیت یافتن انسانهاست و از جنس باورهای دینی، اخلاقی و حتی عرفی است که مقدس نیز می باشد.تخیل ماهیت هویتی دارد و می تواند علوم انسانی را شکل دهد. پژوهش، نقّادی و خلّاقیّت هم که سه عنصر مهم تکوین علوم انسانی و تداوم حیات آن هستند، در نسبت وثیقی با تخیل محقق می شوند.از حیث روش شناختی، رویکرد تخیلی یک رهیافت و چهارچوب نظری است که ذهن را از قید و بندهای روش شناختی ظاهرگرایانه آزاد می کند و با نگاه از درون به مسئله، امکان درک بهتر ذهنیت ها، انگیزه‌ها، باورها، دغدغه‌ها و نوع اندیشه و نگاه دیگران به جهان را فراهم می‌کند. اصطلاح «تخیل جامعه شناختی» اولین بار، توسط سی رایت میلز با توجه به جایگاه تخیل در علوم انسانی و ماهیت تخیلی این علوم مطرح شد. علوم انسانی با تخیل پیش می رود و عبارت از خلاقیت های خیالی است. جامعه هم با تخیل ساخته می شود. به این ترتیب جامعه و علوم انسانی بتدریج یکی می شوند.تخیل برای هدفی در آینده شکل می گیرد، هرچند که خود هدف است.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Imagination as a common language of humanities

نویسنده [English]

  • Mohammad Ali Fathollahi
Associate Professor, Institute of Political and International Studies, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran
چکیده [English]

Analytical definition and recognition of the concept of imagination and understanding of its basics is a priority for any study. Also, in order to clarify the quality of appearance and transformations of imagination, its structure should be explained. Identifying and paying attention to the world of imagination from an existential point of view and emphasizing its epistemological implications, as well as developing the capacity of imagination in human beings, from an epistemic point of view, is one of the honors of Islamic philosophers and mystics. Imagination is a valuable ontological, epistemological and anthropological capacity and ability in Islamic thought. Imagination also has methodological aspects that this article seeks to explain. The concept of imagination can shape indigenous and Islamic humanities. Imagination has an identity, critical and creative nature and thus promotes interdisciplinary research. Especially the concept of political and social imagination and paying attention to its power of symbolization will be able to explain various aspects of life in the Iranian Islamic world and pave the way for future research.
Keywords:"imagination"; "methodology"; "epistemology"; "ontology"; "anthropology"
The great use of imagination in human sciences and its presence in today's life requires serious research to explain its various aspects and also to understand its meaning more precisely. Especially with concepts such as social imagination and political imagination, this necessity is felt more.
Materials & methods
In terms of methodology, the imaginative approach is an approach that frees the mind from the shackles of superficial methodology, and by looking at the problem from the inside, it is possible to better understand the mentalities, motivations, beliefs, concerns.
The concept of imagination, like a prism, has scientific and practical aspects and shows the growth, evolution of man and society.
Imagination, is the identity and character and individuality of humans. Imagination is sacred and it belongs to religious, moral and even customary beliefs. Humans become aware of their individuality through imagination. Imagination perceives the truth that appears in the future.
Imagination is not a mass influx of spontaneous representations, effects and desires, none of which has superiority over the other, but rather it has a specific basis and criteria. Imagination is not unrealistic and fantasy, and it is based on human morality and emphasizes human effectiveness. Human sciences also proceed with imagination and are imaginative creations. Society is built with imagination. In this way, society and human sciences gradually become one. Human society needs creativity and an active construction, and with the power of imagination, it can be built to achieve ideals. Of course, this creativity and creation does not mean that there is no predetermined goal in the world. Necessity and purpose exist in history, and human free will is accompanied by the existence of a definite purpose in the future. Therefore, real identity and original understandings are formed in the future. The discussion of imagination is a kind of openness and horizon opening towards the future and creates critical power. Humanities do not exist without an understanding of the future and are waiting for the future. Human sciences based on imagination have a positive relationship with time and seek their truth in time. Time always paves the way for humanities.
Imagination is formed for a future goal, although it is the goal itself. Like the concept of waiting, which is both a goal and for another goal. Social institutions that are built with imagination are for another purpose and cannot be stopped in them. Like the institution of the family, which is formed as a means to complete the individuality of people and should not sacrifice individuality. The government and the political affairs should not cause the destruction of individuality. The conflict between the mind and society and the imposition of the historical and social world on the individual mind cannot hinder the imagination of people in creating their public and personal world. The broad ontological integration created by religion will prevent such problems from appearing. Communication with the supreme source of religion helps the society to support its institutions and meanings. Religion is not something outside of society and turning to religion in a way leads to the discovery of meanings and institutions.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • :"imagination"
  • "methodology"
  • "epistemology"
  • "ontology"
  • "anthropology"
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